Kissed by an angel

Kissed by an angel

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kissed by an angel

Hey! It's me again!

Did you miss me?
No probably not huh?!

Haha well I am not really doing anything now. I was just typing up a book i'm writing. It's called awake. It will come in a series of 7 books. If they get published you could say you knew her as a blogger! Haha.

Well i'm here to continue to talk about my predicament With Ivy loyns. My predicament is that she is indoubtibly in love with tristan. I love him too you know! haha yeah i do!

Okay so you see in the book Ivy certainly needs someone to comfort her when tristan dies. Luckely for me that someone is her stepbrother gregory. Ivy is just so confused she see's past his need for controll and power. She only see's like me A tall handsome teenager with a bangin body! It's nothing at first but then things escalate and they begin to kiss and cuddle and do stuff couple's do. COUPLE'S!!!! Last time i checked they were not a couple. Well it doesnt matter. Ivy has other people to support her too. She has:
Maggie-Her mother
Andrew-Her father
Phillip-Her little brother
Suzanne-Her best friend
Beth- Her other best friend
Lacy- Her Second Gaurdian Angel
Yeah see this troubled chick has a lot of Homies behind her. LOL!
In the end she finds out the truth about gregory and what happened. And Why. I didnt know why either. Until like the very end. I thought of some reasons. But i will tell you them when i get to gregory. Which will be the second one. Well third blog anyways. I will go in this order.

#1.Ivy Loyns
#2.Gregory Bains
#3.Tristan Carruthers
#4.Lacey Lovitt
#5.Maggie/Andrew Bains
#6. Phillip Bains
#7.Eric ghnet
#8.Will O'leary
#9. Tristan/Lacey

Maybe more? I dont know leave comment if i left any groups out. I would surely appriciate it!
Just think of this as a series. Haha but they wont come out like side by side. I might have a much more important subject at hand that wont let me get the kissed by an angel series. But i will Happily do it much faster if requested. I love you my blogging Disciples<3 !!!!!! GOOD-BYE!!!!